Helping Holly
This December, our Holly will be 4 yrs. old. She is a 20 lb. Pomeranian and a working service dog for my son, William. Holly was attacked on several separate incidents by unleashed aggressive dogs whose owners didn’t think the leash laws applied to them. As a result of those attacks, Holly became leash-aggressive and began showing signs of dominance-aggression in our home. I read so many books that my head started spinning when I had to decide whose advice to follow. We enrolled in a “reactive dog” class that provided a super-safe environment with treats, treats, and more treats. I asked our vet for calming meds but could not bring myself to administer them, I googled and emailed several dog trainers, some of whom were prohibitively expensive, and one of whom even responded that “Holly was damaged for life and that she should be taken out of service.” Unbelievable! I called our former dog trainer in California. She directed me to a web site of canine professionals (IACP), where our eyes melted on “Leader of the Pack Dog Training”, Mark Dunlap. One quick email inquiry, followed by a fast reply from Mark signaled the beginning of the end of our problems. I feel I could write a book about our first visit but I will refrain from doing so. Mark observed our interactions both inside and outside the home. He shared his observations with explanations of exactly what was going on and why. Mark set out to right the wrongs. I was immediately able to re-assume the role of pack leader. I had forgotten how that felt! Holly relinquished her leadership quickly, and as Mark said, she did so with a great sense of relief. Holly is no longer charging and barking excessively at our windows and doors like a mad dog when people with or even without dogs walk by. We live in a high-traffic area. We are once again walking without her going berserk when she hears or sees another dog. A simple “leave it” and Holly is heeling loosely and smiling. We look forward to continuing to work with Mark. He is a true asset!
Carol, William, and Holly Hillsboro
Carol, William, and Holly Hillsboro