Sam's Story: "After two years of frustration in unsuccessfully dealing with the aggressive behavior of Sam, our now 7-year old Chihuahua rescue, we found Mark at Leader of the Pack. We "committed" Sam to Mark's 5-week live-in training program - and now wish we had done it much sooner. We are often in disbelief with Sammy's improved behavior...he is indeed a changed dog. We are improved parents as well, though we know we can always do even better for Sam's benefit. It is such a pleasure to go out for his breaks and our regular neighborhood walks. Sam walks right at our side on a short, relaxed leash and does great when encountering other dogs on the sidewalk. He has either no reaction and looks straight ahead or responds perfectly to "leave it" if he needs a reminder. Last week, we encountered a large black lab, off leash (owner says "don't worry, he's friendly"). Lab walked right up to Sam and he stayed perfectly calm; no growl, no hackles, just nonchalant. Wow!" Sam is now... [READ MORE] | Meet SamBreed: Chihuahua Training Challenge: Aggressive Behavior Recommendation: Live-in Training & Private Sessions Results!Sam is now a better balanced member of the pack. He can be enjoy time playing with his dog friends and getting welcomed pets from people too. We're also having positive elevator experiences at our condo. He has ridden with another dog on board at least three times with no reaction - astounding compared to pre-training behavior. He also behaves much better in the lobby, meeting other dogs going in and out as we stand with him. Other residents who, through experience, had become familiar with his reputation have commented on his improvements or are quite impressed when we tell them how "boot camp" was the best thing we've done for him. Rodeo would be proud of the changes Sam has made. He loved all dogs (especially the tiny ones) and he knew just how to make them feel at ease. We are grateful to crown Sam one of Rodeo's Rockstars! Join us in celebrating Sam's success! |